Identifying Learning Differences & Diagnosed Disabilities (LD1024-3)

  • Facilitator: Nicole Demos
  • Time Commitment: 3 weeks at about 3-4 hours per week.
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Course Overview

In this course we will break down various learning disabilities, review diagnostic criteria for varying disabilities, explain pre-referrals and data collection, and discuss accommodations and modifications. After course completion, participants should be able to better identify learning challenges, know the steps of the pre-referral system, recognize appropriate forms of data collection, and participants should be able to distinguish between accommodations and modifications. 

Course Lessons

Meet the facilitator

Nicole Demos

Nicole Demos, a disabled inclusive educator for over 32 years, holds an M.A in Education and an M.Ed in International Counseling. Nicole worked in Greece, the US, Russia and the UK before teaching Learning Support at the International School of Helsinki. She has presented workshops on educational trends, and participated in podcasts and blogs. As an active member of the Diversability Leadership Collective and SENIA Europe, Nicole strives to educate on the importance of inclusion, disability identity, advocacy, equity and belonging. Since leaving the International School of Helsinki, Nicole has recently discovered a love for writing and has published poetry online at
and This has led to her writing this poem to be included in a Danish architectural press publication highlighting diversity and inclusion,
In addition Nicole has also been nominated to Diversability’s 2024 D-30 Disability Impact List for her continued efforts. Her hobbies include reading, singing, baking, flower rescue and spending time with friends and her toy poodle Sisu.  
Patrick Jones - Course author

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