Identifying Learning Differences & Diagnosed Disabilities (LD224-1)

  • Instructor: Lizzie Hudson
  • Time Commitment: 3 weeks at about 3-4 hours per week.
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Course Overview

In this course we will break down various learning disabilities, review diagnostic criteria for varying disabilities, explain pre-referrals and data collection, and discuss accommodations and modifications. After course completion, participants should be able to better identify learning challenges, know the steps of the pre-referral system, recognize appropriate forms of data collection, and participants should be able to distinguish between accommodations and modifications. As with all of our courses, an optional, live session will be planned for each week to extend our learning as a group.

Course Lessons

Meet the Facilitator

Lizzie Hudson

Lizzie is an inclusive education teacher who is passionate about helping schools on their journey to becoming inclusive and helping families and students be their own advocates. She has a Masters in Special and Inclusive Education and certification in Inclusive Leadership. She is currently based in Brazil. Lizzie is lucky enough to travel the world with her husband, 2 kids, and cats. She loves gardening, cooking, running, and exploring the different corners of our world.
Patrick Jones - Course author

Warm Feedback 

The content of the course was excellent. The discussion format helped us learn from each other about practices among international schools and have meaningful conversations.The assignments required the application of concepts to our realities. The instructor gave specific and timely feedback for improvement. In general, I evaluate this learning experience as a outstanding. 
Aida Zea, Guatemala
The poster and pre-referral form were practical assignments that could be used for PD or staff training.
Lara, Thailand
I have loved this opportunity to connect with other professionals and have these discussions around different topics. It has helped me to reflect on my own practices, and to look at how we can further improve what we do at my school, to further support and optimize student learning.
Luna Bekker, Switzerland
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